Micromod MOD: 30ML Operation and Template Setup User Manual

Page 13

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MOD 30ML Operation




UPLOAD From Main Database to Memory Module

Follow this procedure to store a database to a memory module.

1. Set Memory Module switches to "read/write" and "module load".

2. Power up the instrument.

3. UPLOAD? is displayed by the instrument. To upload to the memory module, press either

the up or down arrows and press the key labeled ENT for enter. The default database is
run with instrument state equal to UPLOAD.

4. UPL DONE SET WP? is displayed by the instrument. The module is now loaded with the

instrument database. If you want to write protect the module, select YES and enter (UPL
DONE, WP DONE). Skip this command and go to the next step if you do not want to
write protect the module.

5. Power down the instrument. Instrument state cannot be changed until power is removed

and module switch is placed in "Normal".

6. Set Memory Module switches to "read/write" or "Read Only" and "Normal".

7. Power up the instrument.



The device displays consist of the following main groups and related instrument information.
They are presented in the order they appear as you step through the top level of device
displays. Follow the steps as described in each table to view status information or change
how the instrument operates. Only Table 6 and its supporting setup tables are used to create
a runtime configuration.


Table 1*

State Commands, Shutdown information and
acknowledgement, Status Commands, Execution Times
and Current Time, Date and Day.

device SETUP

Table 2

Communication Parameters and Password Entry.

device I/O status

Table 3*

Built-in and Single Point Input/Output Status, signal
values and Auto/Manual selection.

device EVENTS

Table 4

List of events in the Event Queue. See Appendix A.

ABOUT this device

Table 5

Current Version of Firmware and Display.


Table 6*

Load template defaults, Edit templates and Install
templates. See Template Setup.

* These require a Configure Password, if it is enabled, to gain entry.


Step levels changes are indicated by alternating numbers and letters. For
example, Step 1A is the first step down one level from Step 1. Shaded areas
alternate between significant subjects within the groups.

Use the keys labeled NXT (next step) and PRV (previous step) to move through the entry
points for the setup tables and use the down arrow

∇ key to enter the first step of each table.