6 instructions for use, 1 handling, 6instructions for use – FlexLink Elevator Руководство пользователя User Manual

Page 66

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Instructions for use




Instructions for use



The control box contains pushbuttons and indications (lamps) to start/stop/
jog/alarm och to reset alarms. Pictograms are used for describing purpose
of pushbuttons and indications; Start, Stop, Reset, Jog up/down.

Pushbutton and lamp overview

"Start" is used for starting the module

" Stop" is used for stopping the module normally. The elevator can be
stopped normally in two ways, quickly or controlled. A quick stop is execut-
ed when the stop-button is activated more than one time per second. A
quick stop will cause the elevator to stop immediately (as quick as possi-
ble). A controlled stop is executed if the stop-button is activated once per
second and cause the elevator to finish the motions in progress before it

"Alarm reset" is used for resetting alarms.

"Jog up/down" is used for manually adjusting the lift cage's vertical position.

Start procedure

Before the elevator can be started all alarms must be reset. Press "Start"
to start. The "Start"-indication will start flashing slowly (1 Hz) a certain time,
ca 2 seconds, before the flash turns into steady light. At fixed light the ele-
vator is started and in production.


When the elevator is in production it receives products from connecting
tracks, elevates to correct vertical level, sends the product to receiving con-
veyor and returns to home position.