3 generator system sensor verification, 1 enclosure alarm verification, Turn-up and test – Alpha Technologies AlphaGen 5.0kW Auxiliary Power Unit User Manual
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2. Turn-Up and Test
031-132-B0-001 Rev. A
Generator System Sensor Verification
The ECM has a built-in self-test feature. Each time the ECMs Run-Auto-Stop
switch is placed in the Auto Position, a one-minute self-test is performed and
any failures will be reported as major or minor alarms. Latched alarms can be
reset after the fault has been cleared by placing the RAS switch to the Stop
position for 3 seconds and then back to the Auto position.
2.3.1 Enclosure Alarm Verification
1. Place the RAS switch in the Auto position. Verify the generator runs for one
minute and the only alarm reported by the ECM is a minor Tamper alarm.
2. Place the RAS switch to Stop for three seconds and then back to Auto to
start a generator self-test. During the one-minute self-test, insert a
1/16-1/8 thick metal object between the Pad Shear magnet and the Pad
Shear sensor. Verify the generator stops running and the ECM reports a
major Pad Shear alarm.
3. Place the RAS switch to Stop for three seconds and then back to Auto to
start a generator self-test. During the one-minute self-test, trip the gas
sensor by placing a cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol directly on the
gas sensor for at least three seconds. The red LED on the Gas sensor must
illuminate for three seconds before the ECM will recognize and report the
alarm. Verify the generator stops running and the ECM reports a major Gas
Hazard alarm.
NOTE: Gas from an unlit butane lighter can also be used to trip the
gas sensor.
4. Place the RAS switch to Stop for three seconds and then back to Auto to
start a generator self-test. During the one-minute self-test, trip the Water
Intrusion sensor by lifting the small plastic float located near the Pad Shear
sensor. Verify the generator stops running and the ECM reports a major
Water Intrusion alarm.
NOTE: The Water Intrusion alarm is non-latching (self-clearing) and
needs to be in the activate state for the ECM to report an