Outputs – Xylem System 5000 User Manual User Manual

Page 74

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The next three bytes are the channel number. In this case 021 is channel 21. This is an odd

number which normally indicates it is transmitting to the eastern satellite (75 Degrees W). Even

channel numbers normally transmit to the western satellite (135 Degrees W).

The next byte is a letter E or W indicating the eastern or western satellite. In this case the eastern

satellite received the transmission.

The next two bytes are currently unused (TBD).

The next few bytes indicate how many data bytes are in the transmission. In this case 00023 data

bytes were expected.

This is the end of the header information added by the GOES system. Everything from this point

on is from the data logger and is normally data. The data could be decoded using the above

methods in the Understanding Binary Data section.

Also in this case it is easy to see this is a 100 baud transmission. This is because the data starts

immediately after the data byte count. A 300 or 1200 baud transmission will have one extra byte

after the byte count and before the start of data. This extra byte will always be one of four

possibilities, indicating the type of data and whether the unit successfully updated its time from a

GPS system since the last transmission. The possibilities are listed below.






ASCII Data, No time sync occurred since the
last transmission

Double Quote “

ASCII Data, Time sync occurred since the last

Single Quote ‘

Binary Data, No time sync occurred since the
last transmission

Lower Case b

Binary Data, Time sync occurred since the
last transmission