System setup - communications – Xylem System 5000 User Manual User Manual
Page 112

Change Address To
Sets the current sensor address to a new address. For example, if the existing Sensor Address was
0 and needed to be changed to 1, by pressing the Edit button next to this label, entering 1, and
pressing OK would issue an address change command of ‘0A1!’. The sensor would now respond
to address 1 rather than 0.
Query Address
Two options here provide generic querying of addresses on the SDI-12 line. If a single sensor
is connected, one or both of these commands (‘?!’ and ‘*!’) should trigger a response from the
SDI-12 sensor, returning the address of the sensor itself. If multiple sensors exist, a collision will
probably occur resulting in a garbled response.
Identify Sensors (0-9) / (A-Z)
Used to automatically search for SDI-12 sensors on the SDI-12 line. Identify (I!) requests will be
sent out for the selected range (0-9 or A-Z). The querying and any responses will be shown in the
above window. If a sensor is found, it will list its response to the ID command which should include
the manufacturers name, model number of the sensor, and version information. If two or more
sensors use the same address, a collision will probably occur resulting in a garbled response.
Send Acknowledge
Sends the sensor address followed by the ‘!’ terminator. The normal response is the sensor
address followed by a Carriage Return and Line Feed. If the sensor is not connected or does not
respond, no response will be shown in the above window. Refer to the sensor manufacturer for
proper response to the Acknowledge Command.
Sends the sensor address followed by ‘I!’, which is the standard SDI-12 identify command. The
normal response is the sensor address followed by general information about the sensor, such as
version number, manufacturer, etc. Refer to the sensor manufacturer for proper response to the
Identify Command.
Sends the sensor address followed by ‘V!’, which is the standard SDI-12 verify command. The
normal response is the amount of time and number of parameters that will be returned from
a subsequent Data command. When the verify information is ready, the sensor address will be
received. Pressing the D button to retrieve the data response will reveal the parameters generated
from the Verify command. Refer to the sensor manufacturer for proper response to the Verify