Keypad – RIDGID NaviTrack II User Manual
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NaviTrack® II
Power On/Off – Turns NaviTrack® II on. Turns the NaviTrack® II
off after a 3-second countdown. The countdown can be
interrupted before shutdown by pressing any key.
Up and Down Arrows – Used for locating choices during
menu selection; used for setting the Volume Control when the
sound key has been pressed.
Select Key – Used to make a choice during Menu selection; in
normal operation, used to force a depth reading and re-center
audio tone.
Menu Key – Used to display a “tree” of choices including
frequency selections, display element choices, brightness and
contrast, and restoring default settings. In a menu, will move
up one level.
Volume Key – Used to raise or lower the volume setting; will
cycle the volume through high to zero. Pressing the volume
opens the Volume control panel if it is closed, and closes it if
it is open. Volume can also be raised and lowered using the
arrow keys when in the Volume control panel.
Frequency Key – Used to set the working frequency of the
NaviTrack® II from the set of activated frequencies. The list of
frequencies which have been activated can be modified via
the menu. Frequencies are grouped into four sets: Sonde
Frequencies (
), Line Trace Frequencies (
), and Power
Frequencies ( ).
Operation Time
Using alkaline cells, typical operation time is from about 12 to
24 hours depending on sound volume and how often the
backlight is on. Other factors that affect the operation time
will include chemistry of the battery (many of the new high
performance batteries, such as the “Duracell® ULTRA” last
10%-20% longer than conventional alkaline cells under high
demand applications). Operation at lower temperatures will
also reduce battery life.
The NaviTrack® II display can also show random symbols when
the battery power is too low to drive the internal logic circuits
correctly. This is remedied by simply putting fresh batteries
into the unit.
To preserve battery life the NaviTrack® II will automatically shut
down after 1 hour of no key presses. Simply turn the unit on
to resume use.
Starting Up
After pressing the Power
key on the keypad, the RIDGID®
logo displays, and the software version number will appear in
the lower left corner.
Figure 5: Start-up Screen
Low Battery Warning
When the battery gets low, a battery icon
will appear in the
map area on the screen. This indicates that the batteries need
to be changed and that the unit will soon shut down.
Figure 6: Low-Battery Warning
Just before complete shut down there will be a non-
interruptible power down sequence.
NOTE: Voltage on rechargeable batteries may sometimes drop
so quickly that the unit will just shut down. The unit will turn
off and restart. Just replace the batteries and turn the unit
back on.
Volume Controle Key
Up Key
Menu Navigation
Select Key
Menu Item Select
Menu Key
Power ON/OFF Key
Down Key
Menu Navigation
Frequency Key
Volume Controle Key
Up Key
Menu Navigation
Frequency Key
Select Key
Menu Item Select
Menu Key
Power ON/
Down Key