Figure 60 maintenance: scheduled ne config backup, Table 23 maintenance: scheduled ne config backup – ZyXEL Communications 1 User Manual
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NetAtlas Enterprise 1.00 User’s Guide
Chapter 7 Maintenance
Figure 60 Maintenance: Scheduled NE Config Backup
Table 23 Maintenance: Scheduled NE Config Backup
Backup Schedule
Scheduled backups can be performed on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis.
Select a radio button to schedule configuration backups starting at the date
and time specifed below. The default setting is No Backup.
Starting date
Specify the starting date to begin a configuration file backup for the selected
device(s). Select a date from the drop-down list box.
Starting time
Specify the starting time to begin a configuration file backup for the selected
device(s). Select a time from the selection box or enter a time (hh:mm:ss AM/
PM format).
Backup Directory
Type the path and file name of the configuration file you wish to backup to
your computer in the Backup Directory text box or click Browse to locate it.
User info for Windows
This read-only field displays the Windows login account user.
Enter a password in this field for the administrator Account above.
Click the Add button to add a switch to the list of devices in the backup
Click the Remove button to remove a switch from the list of devices in the
backup schedule.
Click Apply to save changes to the EMS.
Click Close to close this screen.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
7.5.1 Scheduled Network Element Configuration Backup Add
Follow the steps below to add a device to the list of devices in the Scheduled NE
Configuration Backup screen.