1 timer_b introduction, 1 similarities and differences from timer_a – Texas Instruments MSP430x4xx User Manual
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Timer_B Introduction
13.1 Timer_B Introduction
Timer_B is a 16-bit timer/counter with three or seven capture/compare
registers. Timer_B can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and
interval timing. Timer_B also has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts
may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of
the capture/compare registers.
Timer_B features include :
Asynchronous 16-bit timer/counter with four operating modes and four
selectable lengths
Selectable and configurable clock source
Three or seven configurable capture/compare registers
Configurable outputs with PWM capability
Double-buffered compare latches with synchronized loading
Interrupt vector register for fast decoding of all Timer_B interrupts
The block diagram of Timer_B is shown in Figure 13−1.
Use of the Word Count
Count is used throughout this chapter. It means the counter must be in the
process of counting for the action to take place. If a particular value is directly
written to the counter, then an associated action does not take place.
13.1.1 Similarities and Differences From Timer_A
Timer_B is identical to Timer_A with the following exceptions:
The length of Timer_B is programmable to be 8, 10, 12, or 16 bits.
Timer_B TBCCRx registers are double-buffered and can be grouped.
All Timer_B outputs can be put into a high-impedance state.
The SCCI bit function is not implemented in Timer_B.