Omron CS1W-ETN21 User Manual
Page 200

Command/Response Reference
Section 7-3
Response Block
Results Storage Format
Socket Option (Command)
The socket option is specified in one byte.
TCP Socket Number
The TCP socket number to be opened specified as 1 byte between 1 and 8.
Results Storage Area
The area in which the results of the command execution are stored. The first
byte specifies the memory area and data type (variable type). The 2nd to 4th
bytes specify the beginning address of the results storage area. Refer to
page 158 for details about the variable types and addresses that can be spec-
Local TCP Port Number
(Command, Results
Storage Area)
The TCP port number for communications with the socket is specified as 2
bytes. An available TCP port number is automatically assigned if 0 is speci-
The TCP port numbers allocated to the open socket are stored in the Results
Storage Area.
The following ports used for the Ethernet Unit's communications services can-
not be specified.
• TCP port No. used for FTP server (Default: 20, 21)
• TCP port No. used for DNS server access (Default: 53)
• TCP port No. used for SMTP server access (Default: 25)
• TCP port No. used for POP server access (Default: 110)
• TCP port No. used for HTTP server (Default: 80)
Remote IP Address
Specify the remote node’s IP address (must be non-zero) in hexadecimal.
Remote Port Number
Specify the remote TCP port number (must be non-zero).
27 11
Local port
0 Bits
Keep-alive specification
0: Keep-alive disabled
1: Keep-alive enabled