Printronix ThermaLine Series User Manual
Page 279

Form Examples and Exercises
Dynamic Alphanumeric and Bar Code Data
Enter the following dynamic data following the Execute command. These
dynamic data commands will supply the variable data to the bar code and
alphanumeric fields previously identified in the Create Form mode. After
entering the data, exit the file (if necessary with your system) and print. The
completed form is shown in Figure 6–3.
~AF1;*B AND C CO.*
(Upper left label addressee)
~AF2;*P.O. BOX 212*
~AF3;*LOS ANGELES, CA 90051*
~AF4;*M. H. INC*
(Upper right label addressee)
~AF5;*101 BEACH RD*
~AF6;*MALIBU, CA 97772*
(Upper left label S.O.)
(Upper left label S/N)
(Upper left label P/N)
(Upper right label S.O.)
(Upper right label S/N)
(Upper right label P/N)
(Completes 1st form–upper labels)
(Lower left label addressee)
~AF3;*YOUR TOWN, MA 03498*
(Lower right label addressee)
~AF5;*845 N. ALLEN ST*
~AF6;*WEST BEND, OR 97601*
(Lower left label S.O.)
(Lower left label S/N)
(Lower left label P/N)
(Lower right label S.O.)
(Lower right label S/N)
(Lower right label P/N)
(Completes 2nd form–lower labels)