Sierra Wireless 20070914 User Manual
Page 150

Configuration Commands
Rev 3.0B Feb.08
Tip: Only letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods can be used in a
domain name.
*IPMANAGERn=[name][IP address]
Sets a domain name or IP address to send IP change notifica‐
tions to. Up to two independent IP Manager servers can be set,
using either AT*IPMANAGER1 or AT*IPMANAGER2.
Updates to a server can be disabled by setting that entry to
nothing (for example, “AT*IPMANAGER1=”).
n=1 : First IP Manager server.
n=2 : Second IP Manager server.
name=domain name
Sets the 128‐bit key to use to authenticate the IP update notifi‐
cations. If the keyʹs value is all zeros, a default key will be
used. If all the bytes in the key are set to FF, then no key will be
used (i.e. the IP change notifications will not be authenticated).
AT*IPMGRKEY1 is used to set the key to use with
AT*IPMANAGER1, while AT*IPMGRKEY2 is used to the key
n=1 : First IP Manager server.
n=2 : Second IP Manager server.
key=128‐bit key in hexadecimal [32 hex characters]
Sets the number of minutes to periodically send an IP update
notification to the corresponding server. This will occur even if
the IP address of the PinPoint X doesnʹt change.
*IPMGRUPDATE1 is used to set the refresh rate to
*IPMANAGER1, while *IPMGRUPDATE2 is used with
*IPMANAGER2. If the value is set to 0, then periodic updates
will not be issued (i.e. IP change notifications will only be sent
when the IP actually changes).
n=1 : First IP Manager server.
n=2 : Second IP Manager server.
m=0, 5‐255 : Number of minutes to send an update.
Name of the PinPoint X (up to 20 characters long) to use when
performing IP address change notifications to IP Manager. The
value in *DOMAIN provides the domain zone to add to this
name=modem name (for example, mymodem)