En qn s3=n s4=n – Sierra Wireless 20070914 User Manual
Page 140

Configuration Commands
Rev 3.0B Feb.08
Figure 1-7: AceManager : Serial
Toggle AT command echo mode.
n=0 : Echo Off.
n=1 : Echo On.
Note: With more than one connection types (serial, Telnet, and USB)
the echo command can be set differently on each interface.
The AT quiet‐mode setting. If quiet mode is set, there will be
no responses to AT commands except for data queried.
n=0 : Off (Default).
n=1 : Quiet‐mode on.
The standard end of line character used to indicate the end of
an AT command. This character is also used as the carriage
return character for framing responses and result codes in
command state. Cannot be configured in AceManager.
n=0‐127 (ASCII character number)
The standard line feed character sent by the modem to the host
at the end of a response or return code in command state.
Cannot be configured in AceManager.
n=0‐127 (ASCII character number)