Smart Technologies Smart Sync 2010 User Manual
Page 66

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2. Click All Computers or All Students to send the file to all students.
Click a group’s tab to send the file to only students in the group.
Select students’ names in the students list to send the file to only those students.
3. Click Send File
The Send File dialog box appears.
4. Browse to and select the file you want to send, and then click Send.
When the file transfer begins, the file name appears in the Sent Files list. When
the transfer is complete, the status changes from the percentage transferred to
If you want to cancel a file transfer that’s in progress, select the file
in the Sent Files list, and then click Cancel
. No portion of the file
is transferred and the file is removed from the Sent Files list.
If a student disconnects while a file transfer is in progress, SMART
Sync sends the file to the student after he or she reconnects.
To open a sent file
1. Click File Transfer
The File Transfer view appears.
2. Click All Computers or All Students if you sent the file to all students.
Click a group’s tab if you sent the file to only students in the group.
3. Select the file.
4. Click Open File
C H A P T E R 7
– S E N D I N G A N D R E C E I V I N G F I L E S