Monitoring collaborative assignments, Monitoring collaborative – Smart Technologies Smart Sync 2010 User Manual

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6. If you aren’t responsible for submitting the group’s final response, you can see the

group leader’s screen. Work with your group until your group leader has completed

an answer on behalf of the group. When you’re happy with his or her answer,

select the Ready to hand in check box in the Collaboration sidebar.


If you are responsible for submitting the group’s final response, the other members

of your group can see your screen. Work with your group until you complete an

answer. When a group member is happy with your answer, Ready to hand in

appears below his or her name in the Collaboration sidebar. When all group

members are happy with your answer, click Hand In in the Collaboration sidebar.

You can’t click Hand In until every member of your group agrees to it. Click Yes to


The Collaboration Complete window appears, confirming that you’ve submitted

your assignment.

7. Click OK.

Monitoring Collaborative Assignments

After your students receive the collaborative assignment, you can monitor their progress.

To monitor collaborative


1. Click Collaboration


The Collaboration view appears.


C H A P T E R 4

– O R G A N I Z I N G C O L L A B O R A T I O N