Using alternative power sources, Using a car battery, Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ‡о¸ъв м‡ъл‚м˚ı лтъу˜млну‚ флъ‡ìëfl – Sony CCD TR 502 E User Manual

Page 25: Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ‡‚ъупу·ло¸му„у ‡ííûïûîflúó

Using alternative power sources, Using a car battery, Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ‡о¸ъв м‡ъл‚м˚ı лтъу˜млну‚ флъ‡ìëfl | Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ‡‚ъупу·ло¸му„у ‡ííûïûîflúó | Sony CCD TR 502 E User Manual | Page 25 / 88 Using alternative power sources, Using a car battery, Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ‡о¸ъв м‡ъл‚м˚ı лтъу˜млну‚ флъ‡ìëfl | Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ‡‚ъупу·ло¸му„у ‡ííûïûîflúó | Sony CCD TR 502 E User Manual | Page 25 / 88
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