Using the zoom feature, Camera recording, Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ùûìíˆëë м‡вቇ ‚л‰вун‡пв – Sony CCD TR 502 E User Manual

Page 15: Б‡флт¸ т фупу˘¸˛ ‚л‰вун‡пв

Using the zoom feature, Camera recording, Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ùûìíˆëë м‡вቇ ‚л‰вун‡пв | Б‡флт¸ т фупу˘¸˛ ‚л‰вун‡пв | Sony CCD TR 502 E User Manual | Page 15 / 88 Using the zoom feature, Camera recording, Атфуо¸бу‚‡млв ùûìíˆëë м‡вቇ ‚л‰вун‡пв | Б‡флт¸ т фупу˘¸˛ ‚л‰вун‡пв | Sony CCD TR 502 E User Manual | Page 15 / 88
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