Motorola AP-51XX User Manual

Page 181

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Network Management



Configure the


field as required to set the data protection requirements for the



Configure the


field as required to set MU interoperability permissions, secure

beacon transmissions, broadcast ESSID acceptance and Quality of Service (QoS) policies.

CAUTION A WLAN cannot be enabled for both mesh and hotspot support at the

same time. Only one of these two options can be enabled at one time,
as the GUI and CLI will prevent both from being enabled.


If 802.11a is selected as the radio used for the WLAN, the WLAN cannot
use a Kerberos supported security policy.


A WLAN configured to support Mesh should not have a Kerberos or
802.1x EAP security policy defined for it, as these two authentication
schemes are not supported within a Mesh network.

Security Policy

Use the scroll down

Security Policies

menu to select the security

scheme best suited for the new or revised WLAN. Click the


button to jump to the New Security Policy screen where a new
policy can be created to suit the needs of the WLAN. For more
information, see

Configuring WLAN Security Policies on page 5-34


MU Access Control

Select an ACL policy suiting the WLAN‘s MU introperability
requirements from the drop-down menu. If the existing ACL
policies do not satisfy the requirements of the WLAN, a new ACL
policy can be created by pressing the


button. For more

information, see

Configuring a WLAN Access Control List (ACL) on

page 5-36


Kerberos User Name Displays the read-only Kerboros User Name used to associate the

wireless client. This value is the ESSID of the access point.

Kerberos Password

Enter a Kerberos password if


has been selected as the

security scheme from within the

Security Policies

field. The field

is grayed out if Kerberos has not been selected for the WLAN. For
information on configuring Kerberos, see

Configuring Kerberos

Authentication on page 6-8

