License agreement – I-View AnyNet-0401Mini Embedded NVR User Manual
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License Agreement
Notice to end-user: please read the following legal agreement carefully. Use of the Witness or any of the
software provided with this agreement constitutes your acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with
the terms of this agreement, PROMPTLY RETURN the Witness system, Witness, AnyView Pro and
FreeView Pro , any related software and the included items (including the Witness video system, written
materials and containers) to the location where you purchased them for a full refund.
License Grant. I-View grants to you (either as an individual or an entity) a personal, nonexclusive,
nontransferable license to use one copy of the executable code of the I-View's Witness, FreeView Pro
and AnyView Pro on a single CPU residing on your premises. The term of this Agreement will be for the
duration of I-View’s copyright in the Witness, FreeView Pro and AnyView Pro. You may assign your
rights under this Agreement to a third party who agrees in writing to be bound by this Agreement prior to
the assignment, and provided that you transfer all copies of the Witness, FreeView Pro and AnyView Pro
and related documentation to the third party or destroy any copies not transferred. Except as set forth
above, you may not assign your rights under this Agreement, nor shall you rent, lease, sell, sublicense or
otherwise transfer the Witness, FreeView Pro and AnyView Pro.
Reverse Engineering. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise disassemble the Witness,
FreeView Pro and AnyView Pro except to the extent that applicable law expressly prohibits this
Copyright. Title and full ownership rights to the I-View's Witness, FreeView Pro and AnyView Pro will
remain the exclusive property of I-View or its suppliers, and you will not acquire any rights to the
I-View's Witness, FreeView Pro and AnyView Pro except as expressly set forth above.
Maintenance. I-View is not obligated to provide maintenance or updates to you for the Witness
system and transport to Witness, FreeView Pro and AnyView Pro. However, any maintenance or updates
by I-View shall be covered by the Agreement.
Disclaimer of Warranty. I-View warrants that the Witness system, the witness FreeView Pro and
AnyView Pro and related software will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying
documentation and those CD-ROM diskettes are free from any defects for a period of 90 days from the
date of purchase (limited warranty). Except for the foregoing limited warranty, I-View expressly
disclaims any and all other warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, the
implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of third