Kurzweil Forte User Manual
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Kurzweil International Contacts
- Table of Contents
- Introducing the Forte
- Getting Started
- Before You Start…
- Setting up the Forte
- Using the Forte/Forte7
- The Rear Panel
- Connecting to Your Audio System
- Connecting to a Computer
- Selecting Programs and Multis
- Modes
- Updating the Forte/Forte7
- Features of the Forte and Forte7
- Terminology
- The Operating Modes
- Program Mode
- Program Edit Mode
- About Program Edit Mode
- Differences Between Regular and Advanced User Type
- Selecting Parameters
- VAST and KB3 Programs
- VAST Program Structure
- Editing VAST Programs
- The PARAMS Page
- The FX Page
- The Layer FX (LYR_FX) Page
- The COMMON Page
- The KEYMAP Page
- The LAYER Page
- The Wiring Algorithm (ALG) Page
- The DSP Control (DSPCTL) Page
- The DSP Modulation (DSPMOD) Page
- The LFO+ Page
- The Amplitude Envelope (AMPENV) Page
- The Envelope 2 (ENV2) and Envelope 3 (ENV3) Pages
- The Arpeggiator (ARP) Page
- Arpeggiator Common Parameters
- Arpeggiator Classic Mode Parameters
- Arpeggiator Step Sequencer Mode Parameters
- The Arpeggiator Save (ARPSAV) Soft Button
- The Layer Utility and HELP Functions
- Editing VAST Programs With KVA Oscillators
- KB3 Program Structure
- Editing KB3 Programs
- KB3 Editor: The Parameters (PARAMS) Page
- KB3 Editor: The Program FX (FX) Page
- KB3 Editor: The COMMON Page
- KB3 Editor: The Tone Wheels (TONEWL) Page
- KB3 Editor: The Drawbars (DRAWBAR) Page
- KB3 Editor: The PITCH Page
- KB3 Editor: The AMP Page
- KB3 Editor: The KEYCLICK Page
- KB3 Editor: The PERC Page
- KB3 Editor: The EQ Page
- KB3 Editor: The LFO+, ARP and ARPSAV Pages
- The Effects Chain Editor
- The MAIN Page
- The MOD Pages
- FXLFO+ page
- INFO page
- The Chain Utility Soft Buttons
- Effects Parameters
- Keymap and Sample Editing
- Multi Mode
- Multi Edit Mode
- About Multi Edit Mode
- Selecting Parameters
- Zone Parameters
- MAIN Page
- FX Page
- About Auxiliary Effects
- Audio In FX (AUDIO_IN) Page
- ARP Page
- Save and Delete User Multis
- Global Mode
- Storage Mode
- System Mode
- Troubleshooting
- MIDI Implementation
- Physical Specifications
- Programs
- KB3 Programs
- Multis
- Effects Chains
- Index