3 operating conditions of the inverter, Operating conditions of the inverter – SMA WB 3600TL User Manual
Page 58

Initial start-up
SMA Solar Technology AG
Installation Guide
6.3 Operating Conditions of the Inverter
Startup Procedure
If the inverter has enough voltage and power, the startup process is displayed by means of
simultaneous lighting of the three LEDs on the inverter.
As soon as the DC input voltage value defined in the "Vpv-Start" or "Critical voltage to start feed‑in"
parameter is reached, the inverter starts a number of self-tests and measurement processes and
synchronizes with the grid. This operating mode is indicated by the green LED flashing on the inverter.
When the tests are successfully completed and the DC input voltage is above "Vpv-Start" or
"Critical voltage to start feed-in", for the time configured in "T-Start" or "Start delay input" the inverter
connects to the grid, connects to the characteristic curve mode and the green LED lights up.
Characteristic Curve Operation
The inverter controls the input current depending on the alternator voltage.
The inverter then begins to put a load on the small wind turbine system, takes power from the small
wind turbine system according to the present input voltage and then feeds it into the grid. The
maximum output corresponds to the maximum AC power of the inverter. However, it can be reduced
using the "Pmax" or "Currently set active power limit" parameter.
If the wind strength is so low that the DC input voltage falls below an internally calculated value, then
the inverter stops feeding power into the mains grid for the period defined in "T‑Stop" or
"Deactivation delay". When the DC input voltage increases again, the inverter switches back to
characteristic curve operation.
If the DC input voltage remains below an internally calculated value for the time set in "T‑Stop" or
"Deactivation delay", the inverter will switch off.
If the DC input voltage is so low that it is no longer sufficient to supply the on-board electronics with
power, the inverter turns itself off immediately.