Welltech VoIP ATA series V.2.1 User Manual
Page 52

User’s Guide
5.13.1 Hotline Settings
5.13.1 Function
Hot Line Setting allows dialing to a pre-setted number automatically as long as pick
up the phone.
2FXS provides Hot Line
5.13.2 Instruction
Figure 1: FXS or Phone equipment
Use Hot Line
Default: Disable. When setting Enable, as long as pick up the
phone, it will dial to the pre-setted phone number automatically.
Hot line Number
Input hot line number, can be IP Address or Phone Numbers,
numerals or signs are both acceptable. Maximum length is 63
bytes. E.g. IP Address: or Phone Number:
0800024365. Maximum length is 63 bytes.
Submit [Button]
Submit the change.
Reset [Button]
Clear the change.
Figure 2: 2FXS equipment
(圖 2)
Phone Number
Default is Phone1(Line 1);Switch the line。Provide options for
Phone 1 and Phone 2.
Use Hot Line
Default: Disable. When setting Enable, as long as pick up the
phone, it will dial to the pre-setted phone number automatically.
Hot line Number
Input hot line number, can be IP Address or Phone Numbers,
numerals or signs are both acceptable. Maximum length is 63
bytes. E.g. IP Address: or Phone Number:
0800024365. Maximum length is 63 bytes.
Submit [Button]
Submit the change.
Reset [Button]
Clear the change.