Welltech VoIP ATA series V.2.1 User Manual
Page 42
User’s Guide
inputted. The segment for number setup is 0~9999999; number
length is 8 digits.
Input dailing rule data. Numbers or symbols can be inputted.
number length is 40 digits. symbols: can only input [+,x].
+: represents "or". Ex: 123+456+334+5xx means 123 or 456
or 334 or 5xx.
x: represents any number between 0~9. Ex: 5xx, means any
3-digit number starts with 5.
Dial Now
Automatic dialing. When the dialing rule fits in this column, the
automatic dialing function will be executed without waiting for
"press #" to terminate the action. Numbers or symbols can be
inputted; number length is 124 digits.
bols: can only input [+,x].
+: represents "or".
x: any number between 0~9.
Note: 1st number can not be set to "0", because "0" will
not determine the Dial Now standard. If the Dial Now is
set to 0xxxx, since it starts with "0", the system will not
follow the dialing rule to dial out.
Auto Dial Time
Default to 5(sec) to be the waiting length for the system to
execute the auto dial action. Waiting for few seconds, without
receiving any press button action, the system will execute the
auto dial. Ony number button can be pressed. The segment for
the auto dial time setup is 3~9 seconds. Time length is 1 digit.
Use # for send
Default to Yes (On); [#] key is used to terminate the receiving
signal and execute the auto dial function. Provide Yes(On) and
No (Off) mode.
Yes(On):[#] key is used to terminate the receiving signal or to
determine the time for Auto Dial Time column. Without
pressing any button within a certain seconds, the Auto Dial
function will take action.
No(Off): [#] key is not used for termination of the receiving
signal, but only used to determine the time for Auto Dial Time
column. Without pressing any button within a certain seconds,
the Auto Dial function will take action.
Use * for IP
Default to Yes (On); "*" key is used as of "." key. Provide
Yes(On) and No (Off) mode.
Yes(On): When [*] key is used as of [.] key, i.e.: input
192*168*1*100#, the system will execute the dial action as of
No(Off): When [*] key is used as of [*] key, i.e.:input 700*#,
the system will execute the dial action as of "700*#".
Submit [Button]
To execute the modification setup.
Reset [Button]
To erase the inputted information
5.8.3 Operate Instruction
Example 1: Dial Plan Function
Step 1: On the main page, select [Phone Setting
Dial Plan], enter [Dial Plan] page, after revising
information (e.g.
Drop prefixNo, Replace rule 1002, 8613+8662; Drop prefixYes,
Replace rule 2006, 002+003+004+005+007+009; Drop prefixNo, Replace rule