Gasboy CFN Series CFN II Quick Reference User Manual

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CFN II Quick Reference


C09159 Rev. 2238

-E n1 text Number of case to execute is entered

by user; n1 is total number of cases (except
default, if used)

cashier a shift-change command to output the shift
report to standard out and a flat file.

Options: [journal log filename] [format filename]

[flat filename] [%I | shift sequence number]
[%S | shift number] [POS#] [day of week]
[%D | date] [%T | time] [%Y |
yymmddhhmm] [siteID]

CHDir (103) changes directories.

Check CArd (13) determines if a card is valid or

Option: C

CHKDSK disk-based command to check disk

Options: [-A] [-B ###] [-F] [-R]
-A read and check entire disk
-B if the disk error message shows bad sectors,

use this option with the sector numbers to
mark those sectors

-F attempt to fix disk if lost or cross-linked

clusters or length errors are found

-R read all files to check for bad sectors

CLOSE (154) makes a retroactive safe drop to the
previous shift; used only in command files, never by
itself on a command line.

compare a shift-change command to compare two
character strings without case sensitivity.

Options: [string1] [string2]

CONSOLE disk-based configuration program for

Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P print current configuration
-V display in TTY form if port is configured as

a CRT in the system parameters, or vice

CP disk-based command to copy disk files quickly.

Options: file1 file2 | file 1 [file2] dir

COPy (105) copies a disk file.

Options: file1 file2

DEactivate PUmp (14) shuts off a pump from the

Options: CA
A option takes a pump out of full serve mode

DELete (6) removes a disk file or files.

Option: A
A option deletes any specified file, even read-

only and hidden files

DIRectory (4) prints a listing of disk file names.

Options: IA

option gives listing in short format

A option lists hidden files

DIsable COnsole (19) shuts down a console.

Option: C

DIsable DUmp (106) turns off file dumping.

DIsable FPR (162) shuts down a fuel point reader.

Option: C

DIsable GAte (88) shuts down a gate controller.

Option: C

DIsable HIstory (107) turns off system history

DIsable PCu (20) shuts down a pump control unit.

Option: C

DIsable PROduct (108) disables product attributes.

Option: C
0 prompt displays ?Price?, not ?Amount?
1 product is not a refund
2 product is not a payout
3 product is not a withdrawal
4 disables dollar amount inventory for product
5 disables inventory tracking for product
7 low inventory not indicated by asterisk in


8 product is not a fuel product
9 journal does not use category number as

department number

15 disable patronage (Buypass only)

DIsable PUmp (21) shuts down a pump.

Options: CA
A option disables all pumps

DIsable RAW (109) turns off raw mode.

DIsable REader (22) shuts down a card reader

Option: C

DIsable SDI (88) shuts down SDI.

Option: C

DIsable TMS (86) shuts down a tank monitor
system (gauge).

Option: C