Gasboy CFN Series CFN II Quick Reference User Manual
Page 10

CFN II Quick Reference
C09159 Rev. 2238
LOad Heading (34) enters receipt heading and
footing messages.
Options: CI
option erases all heading and footing lines
LOad INventory (118) sets up inventory for a
product and enables inventory tracking.
Option: C
LOad KEY loads the 18-character DES (data
encryption standard) key or keys —
ttxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, where tt is:
00 = master key
10 = working key
20 = working based on previous working
30 = exclusive or with previous master
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the 16 characters of the key
LOad LImitation (35) enters limitation code and
fuel limit.
Options: CI
option erases all limitation codes and fuel
LOad MEssage (36) enters card reader terminal and
gate broadcast messages.
Options: CI
option erases all messages
LOad PHone (46) enters dial-out phone numbers.
Options: CI #
option removes all phone numbers
# is
1 = main CFN host phone number
2 = backup CFN host phone number
3 = main bank phone number
4 = backup bank phone number
5 = main auxiliary phone number
6 = backup auxiliary phone number
LOad PLU (119) loads price lookup information for
merchandise products.
Option: C
LOad PRice (37) enters price code, price level, and
Options: CI
option erases all price codes, price levels,
and prices
LOad PROduct (38) changes product number,
name, or other product information.
Options: CA
A option creates a new product
LOad PUmp (39) enters pump totalizer amount.
Option: C
LOad SHift (41) changes the site’s shift.
LOad SIGnon (42) changes your sign-on code.
LOad SITe (43) enters information for local site.
Option: I
option clears information for the site
LOad TAnk (45) enters tank inventory counter
Options: CI
option clears all tank inventory counters
LOad TAX (142) enters tax numbers and names.
Options: CI
option clears all tax accumulator names
LOad TRansaction (47) enters initial transaction
LOad Vehicle (82) enrolls a vehicle in the MPG
Options: CIA
option removes all vehicles from the MPG
A option resets MPG period for all vehicles
LOCk CArd (48) invalidates a card.
Options: CA
A option erases card file and sets positive
LOG EVent (158) puts an event in the disk journal
LOG FIle (121) prints a file on the log printer.
Option: A
A option deletes file after logging
LOG MEssage (93) prints a message on the log
Option: C
MKdir (122) creates a new directory.
NExt CLerk (159) allows the disk journal to keep
separate shifts for each console.
nextday a shift-change command to end the day and
begin a new day.
Options: [POS#]
[POS#] the number of the console associated
with the receipt printer where the end-of-day
report is to be printed