ATEIS IDA8C User Manual
Page 308

Ateis Studio
© 2012 ATEÏS
Element Description
Min Gain
The minimum AGC level compensation.
Max Gain
The maximum AGC level compensation.
Sampling Time
Determine the period time between two ambient noise measures. The less value is more
sensitivity, it means the compensation gain of paging input is response more quickly of
environment noise if the sampling time is smaller.
Target Level
Determine which relative volume you want to target.
White Noise Level
White noise level, automatically Adjusted by the calibration.
Noise Threshold
The level of background noise measured when calibration button pressed.
AGC Level
Display the current compensation gain.
Click on to start the automatic calibration procedure.
Calibration Proceeding
Lit all along the calibration procedure.
Calibration Finish
Green led, light on if the calibration procedure is success.
Indicates the calibration result:
The white noise level needed is over the range. A pop-up window will shows you what to do.
Indicates the calibration result:
The white noise level needed is under the range.A pop-up window will show you what to do.
AR Time
Attack and release time.
Paging Activity
Light up when the paging is active.
(when P.M. is above the mode threshold).