AMETEK i-iX Series II User Manual
Page 47

User Manual
California Instruments
i Series II / iX Series II / iM Series II
3.7 Single-Phase and Three Phase Multiple Box System Configurations
Three Phase System:
The three phase system will be configured ready for use when ordered as such from the factory.
One unit, with the controller, will be identified as Phase A on the serial number tag. The other
two units will be identified on their serial number tags as either Phase B or Phase C. The power
sources must be installed in the system according to the phase markings on the serial number
tags. There will be one master unit that will have a full controller and the slaves will have blank
front panels except for the circuit breaker and indicator lights.
The three units must be interconnected using the system Interface cable. The three LO outputs
must also be connected together before applying power.
If the units were purchased as single phase units and have not been configured for a three
phase system please consult the factory.
Single Phase System:
In a single phase system consisting of two or three units there will be one master unit that will
have a full controller and the slaves will have blank front panels except for the circuit breaker
and indicator lights.
The units must all be connected with the system interface cable, but not the clock and lock
cables. The HI outputs on all the terminal blocks should be connected together. The LO
outputs should all be connected together and a heavy duty cable run to the load from the HI and
LO outputs. See Table 3-1 for cable sizing.
The appropriate jumpers have been installed at the factory before shipment. If it becomes
necessary to change the system to three phase output, please consult the factory.
3.8 Output Voltage Ranges
The iX Series II power sources have two AC voltage ranges (150Vrms and 300Vrms) and two
DC voltage ranged (200Vdc and 400Vdc). The maximum available load current is a function of
both the mode of operation (AC, DC or AC+DC mode) and the selected voltage range (high or
3.9 Functional Test
Work carefully when performing these tests, hazardous voltages
are present on the input and output during this test.
Refer to Figure 3-11 for the test set up.
1. Connect an oscilloscope, voltmeter and/or distortion analyzer to the AC source output at the
output terminal block (TB2).
2. With the AC mains verified as being off, apply the correct three phase AC power input
voltage connections to the AC source input terminals barrier (TB1). Apply the AC mains
power and turn on the main circuit breaker on the AC source front panel.
3. Verify the front panel LCD display lights up with the initial start up screen showing the unit ID
and serial number. A self check routine screen with follow and finally the system will display
the main “Menu 1” screen with the cursor highlighting the “Program” selection.