AMETEK i-iX Series II User Manual
Page 183

User Manual
California Instruments
i Series II / iX Series II / iM Series II
9.3 IEC 61000-4-13 Option
9.3.1 General
The IEC413 option is capable of performing IEC 61000-4 section 13 Harmonics and inter
harmonics low frequency immunity tests. The tests are based on IEC 61000-4-13:2002-03, First
Edition. It is assumed that the user has a copy of the test standard available. This manual
section only cover operation of the –413 option from the front-panel of the iX Series power
Note: The –413 option is only available on iX Series AC power sources, not i Series. It is
possible to upgrade most i Series AC source to an iX Series and add the –413 option. Contact
the California Instruments service department for information.
9.3.2 Initial Setup
The user must set the operating voltage and close the output relay prior to the start of test. The
following set of parameters must be set before the start of test.
1. Frequency to 50 or 60 Hz.
2. Voltage mode to AC.
3. Waveform to sine wave.
9.3.3 Tests Performed
The IEC61000-4-13 test consists of several types of tests. These tests can be run individually or
in sequence (ALL). The following tests are available:
1. Harmonic combination test flat curve and over swing.
2. Sweep in frequency and resonance frequency detection.
3. Individual harmonics and inter harmonics.
4. Meister curve test.