Sub menus, Manual – HITEC Lynx 4S User Manual
Page 20

Sub Menus
MODEL PROGRAMING SET 1 [Pages 22 – 27]
From this screen you can program the following items:
Servo Reverse (R.E.V.), Endpoint Adjustments (E.P.A.), Brake Rate (ATL), Anti-
Lock Brake (ABS), Steering Exponential (ST-EXP), Brake Exponential (BK-
EXP), Throttle Exponential (TH-EXP), Steering Dual Rate (ST-D/R), Sub Trims
SD CARD MANAGEMENT [Pages 53 – 55]
In this section you can perform the following tasks:
NAME the SD card, DELETE model data from the SD card, IMPORT and
EXPORT models from the SD card, setup and adjust the VOICE functions and
play MUSIC from the SD card.
From this screen you can program these system settings:
Steering Adjustment (ST-ADJ), Throttle Adjustment (TH-ADJ), Receiver Binding
(RX-BIND), Radio Frequency Scanning (RF-SCAN), SERVO Monitor, Telemetry
Sensors setup (SENSOR), System MANAGEMENT, TELEMETRY Display,
VIBRATION Setting and BATTERY Type Settings.
MODEL PROGRAMING SET 2 [Pages 28 – 39]
From this screen you can program the following items:
Auto Boost (BOOST), Steering Servo Speed (ST-SPD), Throttle Servo Speed
(TH-SPD), Throttle Mode (TH-MOD), Idle Up/Down (IDL-UP), Race, Lap and
Countdown Timer (TIMER), LAP LISTs, Switch Settings (SWITCH) Radio Dial
Settings (DIAL) and Channel Mixing (MIX).
MODEL MANAGEMENT [Pages 51 – 52]
From the model management screen do the following:
NAME your model, DELETE a model from the memory, COPY a model to an
empty memory slot, and CHANGE the active model.