AMT Datasouth Performax User Manual

Page 99

background image

Bottom - Tractor paper

Feed Direction:

Forward - Continuous
Reverse - Up to 22 inches

Forms Tear Off:

Zero forms tear off.

Paper Slew:

Slew speed is 15 IPS.
Reverse slew is 4 IPS.

Forms Mode Change

Parking Forms:

The forms are backed down into the tractors out of the front paper path, so that cut sheet or card
stock may be used. The continuous forms are reloaded to the TOF and top margin previously set.

Tear Off:

A key may be used to advance the forms a predefined distance, so the last printed form can be
removed. The distance advanced is specified by the user. The forms are returned to print position
when the key is pressed again, or after user specified timeout period.

Communications Interface

Communications Buffer Size:

12K bytes min.

RS-232/RS-422 Serial Interface Characteristics:

Baud Rates: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600,

19.2Kb, 38.4 Kb - standard



Centronics - Compatible Parallel Interface Characteristics:

36 pin Amphenol Configuration