AMT Datasouth Performax User Manual

Page 111

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Press the Enter key to

G4 Serial Ctrl

accept your selection.

Serial RS-422

Determine the baud rate of the host computer. The printer is factory set for 9600 baud. If the baud
rate for the printer must be changed, proceed as follows:

11. Press the Feature key

G4 Serial Ctrl

to select Baud Rate.

Baud Rate 9600

12. Press the Value key to

G4 Serial Ctrl

select desired baud rate,

Baud Rate 19.2K

(19.2K for this example).

13. Press the Enter to save

G4 Serial Ctrl

your selection.

Baud Rate 19.2K

There are five additional features which allow you to configure the serial interface to suit your
needs: Parity, Data Bits, DTR, Handshake and Modem Control. All five features are contained in
Group 4, Serial Control. Each feature is explained in detail in Chapter 4. After you finish your serial
interface configuration, continue with Step 14.

14. Press the Setup key to exit

Save Profile?

setup mode. The “Save

Y = Enter N = Setup

Profile?” message will be

15. Press the Enter key.

P1 Profile One
Font DP10

16. Press the On Line key to

P1 Profile One

place the printer back on

Font DP10

