Cisco OL-15491-01 User Manual

Page 245

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Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation Release 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide


Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference

show ip csg

out of order flushed = 28

retransmitted = 485

set aside = 9504977

set aside get = 9418614

set aside flushed = 86222

term closed

= 1362349

term RST = 457991

term not SYN = 0

term mid SYN = 0

term error = 0

dropped OOW = 0

dropped set aside = 692663

dropped queue size = 0

dropped error = 0

CSG Fragment Stats:

creates = 161, destroys = 161, timeouts = 0,

invalids = 0, locked = 0


rx = 161, tx = 161, dropped = 0, creates = 161

Trailers: rx = 966, tx = 966, dropped = 0, creates = 0

Reassemble: invalid = 0

alloc failures = 0, overlap = 0, missing leader = 0

failed tx = 0, requeues = 0, failed requeues = 0

CSG Packet Stats:

packet rcv = 509381050, drop invalid = 0,

protocol drop = 26408409, no handler = 0, no handler options = 0,

drop no content = 3, drop no session = 31791002

local enqueue = 2187, local enqueue failed = 0

local enqueue copy = 18

CSG Distributed KUT Stats:

requests = 75197, responses = 62442, resends = 23430

timeouts = 11652, idle timeouts = 0, corr mismatch = 0

corr missing = 0, unknown IP = 11652

unknown ha vrf = 0, tx fail ipc = 0

alloc failures:

kut = 0, kut_delete_event = 0, rad attr = 0

int_stats = 0, kut_svc = 0, svc_stats = 0

tariff = 0, redir_info = 0, passthru_grant = 0

refund = 0, txn_abort = 0, ipc = 0

CSG Session Stats:

user sessions = 531, highwater = 169455, ha_overrun = 0

max limit = 0, wc fail = 0, no content = 0

appl fail = 30314998, denied = 1487001, ha no content = 0

ha no session = 17529

Resets : subscriber = 46196262, network = 15603410

Alloc failures : wc = 0, session = 0

prof event = 0, resolve event = 0, pend quota = 0

pend aoc = 0

Resolve : no sess = 1, event fail = 3042, enq fail = 0

dup quota = 0, dup aoc = 0, aoc fail = 79

sess lookup fail = 0

CSG LogGen Stats:

alloc fail = 0, gtp reject = 405

Billing records: sent = 94591046, fail = 0

IPC: alloc fail = 0, sent = 94475805, fail = 0, rcv = 94591043

GTP Application: CSG ipc, Local Port: 0

alloc failures = 0, no standby on CG failure = 0

packets sent = 14217667, received = 122537872, failed acks = 0

packets dropped = 0, rejected = 0, retransmits = 1069136, no ip = 0