6 functionality of the compact control solution – EVCO c-pro micro SAVE User Manual
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Functionality of the COMPACT control solution
This control solution offers the base functionality present also in the "complete" solution.
Supply and return fans
The program manages two fans, supply and return, independently with a 3 steps control logic. This
can be achieved using 3 digital output or one analogue output to pilot a speed variator with 3 speed
levels. The working is the same for both fan except for the case of Recovery heat exchanger
antifreeze protection when the 2 fans are driven with different speeds.
The regulation mode depends on the PF01 parameter which determines the 3 types of regulation:
PF01=0 manual regulation
PF01=1 automatic regulation without presence sensor
PF01=2 automatic regulation with presence sensor
In ON/OFF regulation (parameter PG10=0) the 3 speeds (V1, V2, V3) are activated each by a
dedicated relay. In regulation with speed variator inverter (parameter PG10=1) the three speeds are
determined by the value defined by the parameters PF21, PF22 and PF23.
Manual regulation
The fans work at the MANUAL speed set via the PF02 parameter.
Automatic regulation without presence sensor
Two time periods are defined: ECONOMY time band and COMFORT time band. A working speed
is defined for each time period, respectively ECONOMY speed (parameter PF04) and COMFORT
speed (parameter PF03). The fans are controlled at the speed defined in the relevant time periods.
The following parameters must be used
PT01: start of COMFORT time band.
PF03: fans speed in COMFORT band.
PT02: start of ECONOMY time band.
PF04: fans speed in ECONOMY band.
For each day of the week it is possible to define whether this day is a working or non-working day,
parameters PT11=Sunday, PT12, PT13, PT14, PT15, PT16, PT17):
- Working days: the regulation is the normal automatic type for ECONOMY e COMFORT time
- Non-working days: the speeds are determined by parameter PF13, due to defect V0.
Note: If the RTC system clock is in alarm condition it is possible to set the PF05 parameter to determine at which speed
both fans must function.
Automatic regulation with presence sensor
In addition to the previous regulation rules it is possible to modify the working speed on the basis of
a presence sensor. If the presence sensor is active (indicating there is someone inside the room),
during the COMFORT time band the fans speed is forced to the value set on parameter PF12.
Fans thermal overload
Via the digital inputs DI3/DI4 Supply/Return fans thermal overload protection it is possible to
enable the thermal overload alarm of each fan. The alarms are signalled after a fixed delay of 2
seconds and have automatic reset. The alarms are enabled setting PA03=1. If this is not the case,
the thermal overload alarms of the two fans are disabled.
The activation of the thermal overload alarm switches OFF the unit bringing it to the OFF due to
alarm status.