4 last maintenance operation date, 5 programming key – EVCO c-pro micro SAVE User Manual
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Set the PH99 parameter to “YES”(1) and wait until it becomes “NO”(0) again on the display. The
system automatically restores all parameters’ default values.
Note: After this operation switch OFF and back ON power supply to the board to prevent for malfunctioning.
Last maintenance operation date
From the Installer->Maintenance menu, press RIGHT until reaching the following mask:
Positioning the cursor on the “Update” writing and pushing the Enter key the old date relevant for
the previous maintenance will be overwritten with the present date updating the PM90 parameter.
Programming key
It is possible to save the value of all system parameters into the programming key or upload them
from the programming key. By means of this key is therefore possible also to copy the parameters
from one device into one or more compatible ones. The saving or uploading operation can be
carried out only with machine OFF, by connecting the key to the programming terminal.
To save a parameter list in the programming key:
Enter the DEFAULT menu
Move the cursor on EVKEY Save: OK and push the ENTER key. The
storage of the parameters into the key is shown by means of LED
Wait the blinking to finish, if the LED becomes green the operation
was successful, otherwise the LED becomes red.
To copy a parameter list from the programming key into the device:
Enter the DEFAULT menu
Move the cursor on EVKEY Upload: OK and push the ENTER key.
The storage of the parameters into the device is shown by means of
LED blinking.
Wait the blinking to finish, if the LED becomes green the operation was
successful, otherwise the LED becomes red.
Note: The information to the product and relevant software version are saved in the key in order to allow the transfer of
parameter maps only between compatible devices