6regulations, 1 state of the unit – EVCO c-pro micro SAVE User Manual

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State of the unit

There are several unit switch-on/off procedures:


Via the relevant ON/OFF key

Switch-ON: press the relevant key for about 2 seconds, if all the conditions are fulfilled the
unit starts working (“ON” mode).
Switch-OFF: press the relevant key for about 2 seconds, the unit stops working (“OFF”


Using the Start/Stop from digital input control (parameter, PH05=1)

Switch-ON: close the contact, if all the conditions are fulfilled the unit starts working (“ON”
Switch-OFF: if the contact is open the unit stops working (“OFF from Start/Stop” mode).


Via Supervision protocol (parameter, PH06=1)

Switch-ON: activate the switch-on state from protocol, if all the conditions are fulfilled the
unit starts working (“ON” mode).
Switch-OFF: if deactivated by switch-on state protocol the unit stops working (“OFF from
Supervisor” mode).

The ON/OFF status from key has priority with respect to the other two. In fact the ON/OFF states
by digital input and supervision protocol can only be reached with machine in “ON” mode.

A machine switched-off by Start/Stop digital input can:

pass to the OFF state from key (by pressing ESC).

pass to the OFF state from supervisor if the OFF condition from digital input returns and the
OFF state is set by supervisor.

ass to the ON state if the ON condition from digital input returns and the OFF state is not set
by supervisor.

A unit switched-OFF by supervision protocol can:

Move to the OFF state by key (by pressing ESC key).

Move to the OFF state from digital input if the OFF condition from supervisor ceases and
the OFF state from digital input is triggered.

Move to the ON state if the OFF condition from supervisor ceases and the OFF state is not
present from digital input.

The unit ON/OFF key is the ESC key pressed for about 2 seconds.
The remote Start/Stop input (when present) can be configured using the parameters:


PH05: Enables the function


PH52: Sets the NC, NO logic for the digital contact