Table 2-3 calculated time en route – BendixKing AV8OR User Manual
Page 60

Honeywell Bendix/King AV8OR Handheld User’s Guide
VFR Moving Map Function
Page 2-20
Rev 5 Mar 2012
Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell
and destination waypoints. The ESA is displayed in the currently
selected altitude units.
Estimated Time of Arrival for Next Leg Data Field
data field displays the calculated arrival
time calculated as the distance to the next waypoint, divided by the
ground speed, plus the current time.
Estimated Time of Arrival Data Field
The estimated time of arrival data field displays the
calculated arrival time calculated as the distance to the destination
waypoint, divided by the ground speed, plus the current time.
Estimated Time En-Route for next Leg Data Field
data field displays the calculated time en
route as the distance to the next waypoint, divided by the ground
speed. If the ETE is greater than 10 minutes then the format is
HH:MM. If HH is less than 10 then no leading zeroes are displayed.
Otherwise the format is MM:SS, with leading zeroes displayed. If the
ETE is invalid or greater than 24 hours then “--:--“ is displayed.
Estimated Time En-Route Data Field
The estimated time en-route data field displays the
calculated time en route as the distance to the destination waypoint,
divided by the ground speed. If the ETE is greater than 10 minutes
then the format is HH:MM. If HH is less than 10 then no leading
zeroes are displayed. Otherwise the format is MM:SS, with leading
zeroes displayed. If the ETE is invalid or greater than 24 hours then
“--:--“ is displayed.
Examples are shown in the following table:
Table 2-3 Calculated Time En Route
1hr 55 min
1min:55 sec
24 min :
35 sec