Elecraft P3 High-Performance Panadapter Manual User Manual
Page 48
Mount a 2D fastener at the top of the front panel assembly as shown in Figure 7. Do not use a lock washer.
The 2D fasteners must always be oriented so the wide side of the fastener is toward the outside as shown.
Tighten the fastener only enough to hold it in place. You will be loosening and adjusting all of the enclosure
screws later as you finish the assembly and adjust the fit of all the panels.
IMPORTANT: All of the 2D fasteners must be installed with the widest shoulder toward
the outside. The enclosure screws on the top and sides use flat head screws while those on
the bottom use pan head (rounded top) screws.
Figure 7. Installing 2D Fasteners.
Mount three more 2D fasteners on the front panel, one at each corner of the top and bottom flanges. Be
sure to use pan (rounded) head screws in the bottom two holes.
Set the front panel assembly aside in a safe place.
Locate the top and bottom covers. Both covers have six holes for screws along the edges. The bottom cover
has an additional six holes for the feet; four holes near the front end and two holes near the back. Also the
bottom cover holes are not counter-sunk for flat-head screws.
At the back end of the bottom cover (with just two holes for feet) install a foot in each hole as shown in
Figure 8. Be sure the feet are mounted on the bottom (fully-painted) side of the bottom cover.
INSTALLATION HINT: Put the washer and screw in the foot opening and press your finger over the opening
until the threads on the nut are caught by the screw. It may help to turn the cover over so gravity helps. Once the
nut is started pull the foot away from the bottom cover while tightening the screw. The friction of the washer
against the bushing inside the foot will keep the nut from turning as you tighten.
Figure 8. Installing Rear Feet.