Advanced operating features, Basic p3 – Elecraft P3 High-Performance Panadapter Manual User Manual

Page 22

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Advanced Operating Features

Basic P3

Use with Other Radios

The P3 can be used with any receiver or transceiver

that has means to output an intermediate-frequency

(I.F.) signal between approximately 455 kHz and

21.7 MHz. Frequencies a little beyond that range

can be used at reduced sensitivity.
The I.F. may be selected via


Xcvr Sel

. If

you are not sure what frequency is used by your

receiver, apply a test signal to the receiver antenna

and scroll through the menu list until you see the

signal on the display. Many receivers use an

inverted I.F., meaning that signals tune in the

opposite direction, so many of the selections

include that feature. As you tune the receiver

upwards in frequency the signal should move to the

left on the display.
If the correct I.F. is not in the list, the frequency of

the USER selection may be set manually via


Xcvr Def


Xcvr Def Display.

Xcvr Def

also allows you to select between inverted

and non-inverted I.F., change the name "USER" to

something else, and select the programming

language (currently either None or K3).

Xcvr Def

function temporarily re-defines the

function (FN) keys with legends across the bottom

of the display as shown above. There are three keys

to set the frequency in 100 kHz, 1 kHz or 1 Hz

The FN2 and FN3 keys are used for changing the

transceiver name. The one with the horizontal

arrows selects the character position as you rotate



knob and the one with the vertical

arrows selects a character from a list by rotating the


F N 4

(EXIT) to return the P3 to normal


Use with Transverters

The I.F. output of many transceivers tunes

backwards. For example, the K3’s I.F. output is

inverted on all bands except 50 MHz. The P3 takes

this into account automatically. However, if you are

using an external transverter, the tuning direction

depends upon whether the band it converts down to

is the 50 MHz band (not inverted) or some other

band (inverted).
To configure the P3 so the displays moves as

expected regardless of the tuning direction, select

MENU:XV Invert

, tap the


knob, and

adjust the knob to select the desired transverter

band: 1-9. Tape the knob again to select either

“Inverted” or “Not Inverted.
See also Amplitude Calibration for Transverters on

page 33. If you are using your P3 with an Elecraft

K3, the K3 Owner’s manual contains more

information about working with transverters.

Remote-Control Commands

Many P3 functions may be accessed by remote-

control commands sent via RS232. These

commands use ordinary ASCII text, so they can be

tested using a terminal emulator or the Command

Tester tab in P3 Utility. When the P3's XCVR

RS232 port is connected to a K3, then both P3 and

K3 commands may be sent and received via the PC

RS232 port.
To distinguish them from K3 commands, P3

commands begin with the "#" symbol. For example,

"#RVM;" returns the P3 firmware revision and

"RVM;" returns the K3 main firmware revision. P3

remote-control commands are fully described in the
P3 Programmer's Reference
