Waterfall display, Averaging and peak hold, Span – Elecraft P3 High-Performance Panadapter Manual User Manual

Page 19: Fixed-tune mode

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the preamplifier in the K3, the noise level displayed

on the P3 may decrease, rather than increase. That

is because the P3 automatically reduces its gain

when the K3 preamplifier is turned on, in order to

keep the signal levels the same.

Waterfall Display

The waterfall allows you to see a history of band

activity for the past few seconds. Like the spectrum

display, the horizontal axis is frequency but in this

case the vertical axis is time. Signal amplitude is

represented by colors, from dark blue for weak

signals, then brighter blue as signals increase in

strength, through shades of green, yellow and red

for the strongest signals. Each horizontal line

represents one update of the spectrum display.

As each new line is written the old ones are shifted

down, creating a waterfall effect.
While the spectrum display is better at accurately

displaying signal strength and the shape of a

signal's modulation, it can only show what is

happening right now. The waterfall is better for

showing transient signals, such as a DX station

running a pileup that only transmits for a few

seconds at a time. Often, you can easily see a weak

fading signal on the waterfall that is invisible on the

spectrum display.
The scaling of the waterfall is the same as for the

spectrum. That is, the bottom of the spectrum

display corresponds to dark blue on the waterfall

and the top corresponds to bright red. For maximum

visibility of signals on the waterfall, it is best to set


so that the noise level is right at the

bottom of the spectrum display and then expand


as much as possible while keeping signals

of interest below the top of the spectrum display.

That improves the color contrast on the waterfall

and makes weak signals appear to pop out of the


Averaging and Peak Hold

Another way to make weak signals more visible is

averaging. Because noise is random in nature,

averaging reduces the jaggedness of the noise

spectrum trace, making signals easier to pick out.

The more averaging the better the noise reduction,

but at the expense of a slower response. To turn on

averaging and adjust the averaging time, hold


and then turn the knob. The averaging

time is in units of the spectrum update rate,

typically about 50 ms. You can apply averaging to

the waterfall as well by setting

MENU:Wfall Avg




Peak hold is a way to display a memory of past

signals on the spectrum display. It shows the

strongest signals that have appeared at each

frequency since the last time peak mode was

enabled. To reset the peak trace, simply disable

peak hold and then re-enable it. This mode is most

useful if you assign


to a FN key so you

can turn it on and off at the touch of a button.
One use for peak hold is to monitor a dead band for

activity while you are away from the operating

position. If you glance at the display every now and

then you can see if any signals have appeared in the

meantime. Peak hold is also useful to see the shape

of a modulation spectrum. Since the sidebands are

continually changing with modulation, the peak is a

better indication of the spectrum than the

instantaneous value.


Adjusting the span is yet another way to make weak

signals more visible. As you narrow the span, there

is less noise within the range of each frequency

display point. That reduces the apparent noise level

while the signal levels stay the same, which

increases the signal-to-noise ratio. At narrow spans,

signals that are difficult or impossible to hear

become visible, especially on the waterfall.
As mentioned before, it is useful to keep the noise

level right at the bottom of the display. The P3 can

automatically keep the noise level constant as you

adjust the span by setting the menu

MENU:SpanScale: REF LVL only

. If you would

also like the level at the top of the screen to remain

constant as you adjust the span, set

MENU:SpanScale: REF LVL & Scale.

Fixed-tune mode

When the P3 is used with a K3 transceiver, the

center frequency on the P3 screen normally follows

along as you tune VFO A on the K3. This is called

mode. In this mode, the frequency

displayed at the top center of the screen is the

display center frequency, and the labels at the top

left and right show the frequencies of the left and