Rear panel connectors – Elecraft P3 High-Performance Panadapter Manual User Manual

Page 13

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Rear Panel Connectors

I.F. Signals: IF IN

is a BNC jack that connects to

the intermediate-frequency output connector of the

transceiver (IF OUT on the K3). This should be a

buffered, low-level, high-bandwidth signal from the

receiver that is tapped off at a point before the high-

selectivity filters.
IF OUT is a BNC jack that may be connected to

any other device that needs the I.F. output signal

from the transceiver. When the IF OUT switch is in

the ON position, the IF IN signal is directed to a 3

dB splitter whose outputs feed both the P3 and the

IF OUT connector.


is a male DE-9 connector that

connects to the RS232 port on a K3 (if used) using

a standard 9-pin serial extender cable. It should be a

straight-through cable (not a null modem) with a

female connector on one end and male connector on

the other. Note that communications between theK3

and the P3 are always at a data rate of 38400 baud

(see figure below). The K3 baud rate is set

automatically by the P3 and cannot be changed at

the K3.

RS232 PC

is a female DE-9 that optionally may be

connected to a personal computer that can be used

for downloading new firmware and for sending and

receiving commands to the P3 and K3 (if

connected). To set the baud rate, refer to the RS232

Menu entry on page 33. The baud rate also may be

set by using the same RS232 command (BR) as for

a K3. Refer to the K3 or P3 Programmer’s

for details. To download firmware to the

K3, see Updating K3 Firmware on page 29.


10-15 VDC is a standard 2.1 mm barrel

connector for a 10-15 VDC supply. See

on page 5 if you wish to take power

from the K3’s



The following are present only if the P3SVGA
option is installed:


USB jack for a USB keyboard or

thumb drive (mass storage device). Apple

keyboards are not supported at this time.


Output to an external SVGA



For future use.

RS232 Communications Path through the P3
