Cyclades User's Guide User Manual

Page 457

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4. Press [Enter] to accept the default parameters, but change the following

parameter to enable boot from the network.

5. The following prompt appears for you to review the changes before saving

to flash memory.

6. At the following prompt save the configuration changes to flash


Firmware boot from ((F)lash or (N)etwork) [F] : N

New configuration to be saved as

MAC address assigned to Ethernet [00:60:2e:01:61:0c]

IP address assigned to Ethernet interface


Watchdog timer ((A)ctive or (I)nactive) [A]

Firmware boot from ((F)lash or (N)etwork) [N]

Boot type ((B)ootp,(T)ftp or Bot(H)) [T]

Boot File Name [zvmppckvm.bin]

Server's IP address []

Console speed [9600]

(P)erform or (S)kip Flash test [S]

(S)kip, (Q)uick or (F)ull RAM test [S]

Fast Ethernet ((A)uto Neg, (1)00 BtH, 100 Bt(F), 10

B(t)F, 10 Bt(H)) [A]

Fast Ethernet Maximum Interrupt Events [0]

Maximum rate of incoming bytes per second [0]:

Do you confirm these changes in flash ( (Y)es, (N)o

(Q)uit ) [N] : Y