To view station status – Cyclades User's Guide User Manual

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Viewing System Information


AlterPath KVM/net Installation, Administration, and User’s Guide


To View Station Status

1. In Expert mode, go to: Information>Station Status.

The Station Status form appears.

Figure 4-45:KVM Station Status Information Form

The following table describes the information displayed for each station on
the Station Status form.

Table 4-15: Station Status Information




Displays whether the station is Local, Remote,
or Inactive and lists the microcontroller version
used. This field also displays whether the
KVM/net is a Master or Slave and lists the
model number of the master KVM/net.

Connection Mode

Displays whether the connection is Network or
Physical or if the system is Trying to connect
(if the cable is disconnected).


Displays whether the configured port is on the
master or slave.

Current Status

Displays the name of the current active page for
that session.