To configure group authorization on a ldap server, To configure an smb(ntlm) authentication server, To configure group authorization on a ntlm server – Cyclades User's Guide User Manual

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AlterPath KVM/net Installation, Administration, and User’s Guide


To Configure Group Authorization on a LDAP Server

On the LDAP server edit the “info” attribute for the group and add the
following syntax.


To Configure an SMB(NTLM) Authentication Server

Perform the following to identify the authentication server if any of the ports
is configured to use the NTLM (Windows NT/2000/2003 Domain)
authentication method or NTLM/Downlocal.

1. Go to Configuration>Authentication>SMB(NTLM) in Expert mode.

The SMB(NTLM) form displays as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4-26:SMB(NTLM) Server Configuration Form

2. Fill in the form according to your configuration of the SMB server.

3. Click “Done.”

4. Click “apply changes.”


To Configure Group Authorization on a NTLM Server

To configure group authorization install the required tools from the Windows
Server Administration Pack. The primary tools are Active Directory Schema

info: group_name=[,,...,];