Cyclades User's Guide User Manual

Page 231

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Web Manager for Administrators



MMC Snap-in for adding the attribute "info" to the objectclass "Users”, and
the ADSI Edit MMC Snap-in to edit the property "comment" as
"group_name= [,];

1. Install the tools from the Windows Administration Pack.

2. Select [Start] > [Run] from the windows desktop.

3. In the Run field type "mmc /a" and click [OK].

A Console window appears.

4. Click Console in the console window menu bar and select "Add/Remove

Snap-in ...".

The "Add/Remove Snap-in" window appears.

5. Select [Add].

The "Add Standalone Snap-ins" window appears.

6. From the list, select "Active Directory Schema" and click [Add]; select

"ADSI Edit" and click [Add], and [Close].

7. Click [OK] in the "Add/Remove Snap-in ..." window.

Configuring Active Directory Schema

1. In the console window, double click "Active Directory Schema". You will

see the paths "Classes" and "Attributes".

2. Double click "Attributes" and confirm that the "info" attribute is present.

3. Double click "Classes" and locate the class "Users", and right click to

select "Properties".

4. Select the "Attributes" tab and click [Add].

5. Locate “info” in the attributes list; click [Apply] then [OK].

Configuring ADSI Edit

1. In the console window, double click "ADSI Edit", and on the menu bar

select "Action" > "Connect to...".

The "Connection" window appears.

2. Use the defaults and Select [OK].