Garmin GNS 430 User Manual
Page 172

Pre-Departure Verification of FDE
Since FDE is based upon the exclusion of ‘bad’ satellites, it is necessary to ensure
there will be an adequate number of satellites in the GPS constellation that are still able to
provide a navigation solution. An FDE prediction must be performed prior to departure
for a fl ight involving Oceanic/Remote operations where GPS is to be the sole source of
navigation. All operators using the GNS 430 as a primary means of navigation in oceanic/
remote areas under FAR parts 91, 121, 125 and 135 are required to utilize the FDE Pre-
diction Program prior to conducting a fl ight in these areas.
The FDE Prediction Program is supplied with the latest GNS 430 Simulator Soft-
ware. This software uses satellite almanac data to calculate the number of satellites in
view to navigate a fl ight should there be an outage. Please refer to the instructions (P/N
190-00176-00) that came with your GNS 430 Simulator Software for complete details on
using the FDE Prediction Program. The trainer software and instructions are available on
Garmin’s web site for free download:
The Garmin trainer software allows the user to load
the flight plan to be flown and predict the coverage
of satellite service and FDE availability.
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