John Deere 318 User Manual
Page 253

15. Install new bearing cups (F and G), if removed,
using a driver set. Press into pillow block (H) until seated
against housing.
16. Install snap ring (B) onto input shaft (C).
17. Press bearing cone (D) on input shaft with small
O.D. facing away from snap ring (B). Install bearing until
it bottoms againt snap ring.
IMPORTANT: Tape end of input shaft to prevent seal
damage during seal installation.
18. Apply tape around large end of input shaft.
19. Install input shaft assembly into pillow block (H).
20. Apply multipurpose grease to lip of new seal (A).
21. Press new seal (A) into pillow block (H) until top of
seal is recessed 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) below pillow block
surface. Remove tape from end of shaft.
22. Install new O-ring (E).
B—Snap Ring
Input Shaft Assembly
C—Input Shaft
D—Bearing Cone
F—Bearing Cup
G—Bearing Cup
H—Pillow Block
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