ETC Matrix MkII Dimming System User Manual
Page 9

Matrix Mk.II Dimmer Monitoring Interface Overview
Each Matrix Mk.II power device in the system may be linked to a PC network using
DimSTAT® software for the purpose of remote control, set-up, status monitoring and
fault reporting. The system operates through a regular polling of dimmers, and if a
fault occurs, the report can be investigated from the PC in the first instance. The
network link is also used to upgrade software when appropriate.
DimSTAT provides a system-wide network, and operates on a host polling protocol
where the PC searches for connected dimmers at initiation, and then regularly polls
dimmers for data to display. If a fault occurs, the PC’s display instantly shows the
detail, and if the fault is cleared the system resets accordingly. Information displayed
includes: DMX start address per unit, DMX OK, line voltage, current per channel(with
most modules), dimmer curve, response time, max. setting, type of fault reported
(temperature, overload etc.), date and time of fault. It is possible to set the dimmer
curve, start address and pre-heat from DimSTAT software on the PC.
The operation and performance of the Matrix dimmer is monitored constantly and
comprehensively by the on-board data processors, and this information is available
on the LCD screen of the dimmer rack, and through DimSTAT. The parameters
measured and reported are:
b) DMX channel numbers
c) DMX levels
d) line voltage
e) current per dimmer (with suitable modules)
f) current per phase per rack
g) set frequency
h) dimmer curve
i) temperature per module
j) Cosine and ignition information for HMI modules
k) MCB / RCBO trip