ETC Matrix MkII Dimming System User Manual

Page 18

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Table of Contents


encoder will increment the address number clockwise, and reduce the number
anti-clockwise, with a roll-over at the 512-0 point.


If START has been selected, only one number per DMX line is permitted. This
is the number for dimmer channel 1 in the first device, and the remaining
dimmers are automatically addressed in sequential order.


Press the DOWN key to activate DMX-2, and repeat for the second DMX line.

Note: DMX address 000 deselects the channel from operation with the relevant DMX line. Both
DMX lines have valid DMX numbers from 001 - 512. If higher dimmer numbers are used by the
control desk, the number has to be rationalised to a base of 512.

DMX A/B arbitration

In the case where a dimmer has two DMX channel numbers selected, and both
signals are active, the dimmer will normally respond to the highest level of the two
signals (HTP). If one DMX number is set to 000, the dimmer will not respond to
channel data from the relevant DMX line.

This feature is used to provide segregation and zoning for two control systems, or for
separating channel numbers between 513 and 1024 using a pair of DMX lines. If one
DMX line is set to 'Master' it takes exclusive control until the DMX fails, at which time
control is transferred to the other DMX line.

Note: When the channel status is being viewed at the dimmer device or remotely by DimSTAT,
the term ‘actual’ DMX level is used. This is a display of the result of any internal arbitration of
levels from either DMX-1, DMX-2, the internal ‘manual preset’ level, or the level set by a
programmable preset memory. Thus if DMX-1 is 56%, DMX-2 is 75% and preset 3 is set to
95%, the Actual DMX level is shown as 95%.

To set up a DMX backup condition

Matrix is equipped with a choice of responses to the failure of either DMX signals 1 or
2. The dimmers can be set to hold their last DMX level, fade to zero over 5 seconds,
or fade to a preset memory setting. This choice is available per DMX line and dimmer


Select INSTALL from the home menu.


Press DOWN or UP or use the rotary encoder to choose GENERAL


Press DOWN or UP or use the rotary encoder to choose DMX-1 FAIL menu.






Press EDIT and use the rotary encoder to select one of the 3 options available:

RESET: fades all dimmers to zero after 5 seconds

HOLD: maintains the last valid DMX levels indefinitely until DMX is restored