ETC Matrix MkII Dimming System User Manual
Page 43

A p p e n d i x A
P r o c e s s o r m e n u s
This menu sets the DMX address for each channel or a start address for the
channels in each module.
Manual Preset Levels
Sets a level for each channel in each preset.
Preset Configuration
Sets the fade time in and out (T-in and T-out) associated with each preset.
Presets store
Records the settings of the presets. The presets do not need to be stored to operate
as a manual override control.
DMX Backup
If a DMX line fails, the system may be set up to use this backup preset as an
alternative to holding the level or fading out. This menu is used to set the backup
levels in case of a DMX failure.
Config channel parameters
This menu provides direct set up access to the main performance features of the
channel, including: min and max levels, default fade times, dimmer curve, non-dim
operation, priority setting, phase control, start mode.
Select number of devices in the rack
This sets the number of modules present in the rack.
Select PC DimSTAT parameters
This is where the DimSTAT address is set.
Select Line Parameters
Where the nominal Voltage, maximum current and frequency anticipated for each
module is set.
Select New password
4-digit passwords may be set individually for the following menus: Set DMX, Presets,
Config, Install.