DATOptic ARC-1680 Series User Manual
Page 112
driver, archttp64 and arc-cli from software CD < CD >\package\
Mac OS directory at the same time.
5.6 ArcHttp Configuration
The ArcHttp proxy server will automatically assign one additional
port for setup its configuration. If you want to change the
"archttpsrv.conf" setting up of ArcHttp proxy server configuration,
for example: General Configuration, Mail Configuration, and
SNMP Configuration, please start Web Browser http:\\localhost:
Cfg Assistant. Such as http:\\localhost: 82. The port number for
ArcHttp proxy server configuration is McRAID storage manager port
number plus 1.
The ArcHttp configuration starts as following:
• General Configuration:
Binding IP: Restrict ArcHttp proxy server to bind only single
interface (If more than one physical network in the server).
HTTP Port#: Value 1~65535
Display HTTP Connection Information To Console: Select “Yes" to
show Http send bytes and receive bytes information in the console.
Scanning PCI Device: Select “Yes” for ARC-1XXX series controller
Scanning RS-232 Device: No
Scanning Inband Device: No
• Mail (Alert by Mail) Configuration:
To enable the controller to send the email function, you need to
configure the SMTP function on the ArcHttp software. To enable