Creating a drive container – Apple PC Compatibility Card 7-inch card User Manual

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Creating a drive container

A drive container is a file on your Macintosh hard disk that acts as a hard drive
for the PC. You create a drive container using the PC Setup control panel.


If you received this manual with a computer, your hard disk

already has a drive container that includes PC software. The container is
called PC Container and is located on the desktop. You do not need to create
another drive container unless you need more room to accommodate the
software you want to install. You may want to install Microsoft Windows, the
software on the PC Utilities CD, and your own PC software. For instructions,
see “Installing Microsoft Windows” and “Installing PC Utilities,” later in this
chapter. Then turn to Chapter 5, “Setting Up the PC Environment,” to learn
more about your PC Compatibility Card.


Open the PC Setup control panel.


Installing the PC Compatibility Card Software